Net Zero on Campus

A guide, toolkit, and community for universities and colleges to accelerate climate action worldwide


As the risks and impacts of climate change become more visible every year, the call for net-zero emissions is no longer restricted to country-level commitments. It is equally important for non-state actors, like business corporations and academic institutions, to establish targets and pathways to net zero by mid-century or sooner.

Universities and colleges across the world have the unique opportunity in this race to net zero, to not only build strategies to reduce emissions within their operations, but to also champion knowledge, climate research, and action within their communities.

With university net-zero commitments rising worldwide, the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) developed the Net Zero on Campus Initiative in collaboration with the Climateworks Centre, Monash University, Second Nature, and the EAUC. Together, they created a guide and accompanying online toolkit to help universities and colleges accelerate their climate action plans, while creating new communities of practice.


    Report that provides guiding principles and strategies to inform the why and what aspects of a net zero on campus journey.

    English | Español | ελληνικά | 中文版


    Global library of resources, tools, and case studies to inform how institutions can accelerate their net zero on campus journeys.


    Digital platforms that allow campus sustainability practitioners to share resources, engage and learn from one another to advance decarbonization.

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